More Pima County Stories

State releases more COVID-19 testing funds to counties

The state health department announced that $100 million is now available.

Pima County may stop COVID-19 testing

Officials said they don’t have the money to continue.

Vail area gets Pima County public library branch

W. Anne Gibson-Esmond Station Library, near Empire High School, opened Tuesday.

COVID concerns send 2021 volunteer tax assistance online

Almost 14,000 taxpayers used the free service last year.

UA vaccine site to be expanded

State, county officials differ over vaccine source.

State wants 24/7 COVID-19 vaccine site in Pima County

Vaccine shortage means cuts to local centers.

Pima County COVID-19 vaccine shortage due to federal government

The state made an error in ordering according to a member of Congress.

Local officials discuss changes to prosecution, police funding

A new county sheriff and attorney bring different perspectives to criminal justice as criticism of police funding continues.

Pima County getting fewer COVID-19 vaccines

The head of the Board of Supervisors is reaching out for more inoculations.

Border wall scars: 'It feels like if someone got a knife and dragged it across my heart.'

Tribal leaders and Borderlands communities reflect on their fruitless struggle to stop the wall.

County, State officials talk past each other on COVID vaccines, aid

Huckelberry says the state is holding back $80 million

Supply, communication stymie Rillito Park vaccination plan

Pima County envisions horse track as vaccination center.

Pima County deputies arrest 48 for illegal street racing

Racers were using a county road near Tucson International Airport as a racing strip

Vaccination leaders welcome promise of better communication

Biden promises three week notice on vaccine shipments.

Vaccine supply concerns Pima County leaders

Dr. Cullen says the county needs bigger shipments of COVID-19 vaccines.

Monitors head to the border after order to halt the wall

On his first day in office, President Joe Biden signed an executive order halting all border wall construction

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Pima County
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